Augmented Reality @ WWDC 2021

Ethan Saadia
2 min readJun 6, 2021


Recaps, code samples, and resources for new ARKit and RealityKit announcements at WWDC 2021!

My memoji sits on top of the WWDC 2021 banner with an iMessage bubble reading AR@WWDC.

I’ll be updating this page throughout the week with resources to get started with the new AR related announcements at WWDC, so keep checking back and follow me on Twitter for updates.

Dive into RealityKit 2 Session

I sketchnoted the Dive into RealityKit 2 Session with all the important points you need to know to get started with the new features. Read all the details here!

Entity component system

• Entity is a group of components
• Component is state
• System is functionality
• Entity Query — find entities with certain components
• System subclass
• specify dependencies
• update function called every frame
• Instead of Entity subclass, use Entity as ID for components
• Transient components don’t get cloned
• Automatically cancel subscriptions with .storeWhileEntityActive

Generated Resources

• Face mesh from Scene Understanding
• entity Type == .face
• adjust materials + texture
• Audio Buffer Resource for spatial audio


  • Transparent materials!
    • Physically Based Material
    • full control over USD materials
    • Custom materials


• Blend multiple animations
• Adjust speed
• FromToByAnimation over transforms

Character Controller

• Define Capsule Shape for collisions
• move(to:) move character around obstacles
• teleport(to:) move directly, ignoring obstacles

In the meantime, check out last year’s updates here.



Ethan Saadia

Founder at PhotoCatch. Developing 3D content creation tools for everyone. 2x  WWDC Scholar. Developer, Engineer, and Entrepreneur.